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Funding Options
Getting the right financial support can be stressful. If you ever need any advice on this, please do not hesitate to contact us and we can help you.
Council funding options
The council may be able to carry out a financial assessment to see whether you are entitled to financial help with the cost of care as well as a personalised assessment to determine your care needs. Should you qualify for funding there are many ways that the council may be able to help you, these include: ISFs, direct payments and spot contracts.
Individual Service Funds (ISFs)
An Individual Service Fund is a way through which the council regularly pays the funds directly to a care provider authorised by you to receive and manage these funds on your behalf. Any unused money in a given time period accumulates in the fund and can be used in the future should more care be needed. This is a great way to add flexibility to a care package that can easily be adapted to your needs. This is also a great way to fund extra care visits should they be needed
Direct payments
One of the financial aids you could be awarded is a personal budget. This is a budget set out for you in order to pay for care and you can receive this is the form of a direct payment. This is where a payment will be made to you from the council to help pay for your care needs. You are then free to look around and use any care provider that you wish
Spot contracts
The council has some preferred care providers that it calls upon to provide care on a spot contract basis. You will have to use specific care providers accredited to work with the council. This offers security for the client as well as a great degree of flexibility. Care can be started or stopped straight away and the council will pay the care provider directly without the need to involve the service user.
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
Clinical Commissioning Groups are part of the NHS and are responsible for providing care services.
These include community NHS services and ensure the right services of care are provided to those who need it.
They are there to ensure that those who have sudden and severe accidents or are terminally ill will be released home from hospitals with appropriate and specialist care in place.
Privately funded care
Funding care can be expensive. However, if you choose to do so, you can arrange and pay for the care with or without the help of the council.
Some councils offer a service where they arrange and pay for your care by using one of their accredited care providers before sending you the bill for settlement. Whether you choose to pay for care yourself or get funding, the council can carry out a needs assessment to see what care method is suitable for you to make sure your needs are met.